some gin to the road kombucha Friday, July 19 2019
Today at work we were all gathered together and told that one of the guys at work had given notice on Wednesday and then not showed up for work on Thursday, thus "abandoning" his job. For this reason, we were told not to communicate with him should he reach out to us, and futhermore, all the locks and passwords were changed. This all seemed a bit of an overreaction. While the guy in question was someone I thought of as indispensable for the operation of at ;east some of the company, he never seemed to have anything but the company's best interests at heart. But the decision to react in this way was made by a newer VP, who has worked for the company for about half of the time that I have, and, lacking deep experience with the company, has a decidedly formulaic approach.
When I got home from work today, Gretchen was out on the east deck chatting with Josh and Stephanie, our housesitters. We'd selected them some months ago, when they were still living in Taiwan. They're sort of digital nomads, living from one housesitting gig to the next while working on their projects. He's writing a book, and she's got some sort of fiber art thing going on (though she is also a writer). They're a bit of a relentless wall of speech which I found exhausting after a day of work cranked up by 120 milligrams of pseudoephedrine, so I went upstairs and added some gin to the road kombucha I'd been drinking. Another drink or so later, the four of us went on a walk to the the farm at the end of the farm road just to show them a place where dogs can be walked. While at the neighbors' pool, Gretchen and I both briefly went into the water, as the weather was now an unpleasant mix of mid-90s temperatures and mid-90s percent relative humidity. The weather in Hurley hadn't been this much like a typical day in the Eocene in years.
Eventually our housesitters left for the night (they had another place to stay before beginning their housesitting gig) and I took the opportunity to give the lawn a quick mow. It's been so dry lately that the grass hadn't grown much since I'd mown it last, but I wouldn't be around to mow it for two weeks.
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