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Like my brownhouse:
   champagne hangover
Saturday, November 3 2001

My experience today taught me that champagne hangovers have a fairly strong headache/flu-like symptom effect but a relatively weak psychological effect. Gretchen and I stayed in bed until fairly late in the afternoon, at which point we relocated to the living room and watched a series of campy, satiric movies on cable teevee. Since I was convalescing in hangover yet again, Gretchen once again had to take care of me. Today this mostly involved preparing me a bowl of ravioli.
The first movie we watched was Psycho Beach Party, a campy spoof of 50s-era surfer movies. The second was Boltneck, a spoofy, high-schoolified version of the Frankenstein story. I fell asleep during the what seemed like the predictable end of the second movie and was awake only briefly on a couple occasions from then on.

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