Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").
linksdecay & ruin got that wrong appropriate tech fun social media stuff Like asecular.com (nobody does!) Like my brownhouse: |
new games for myself Friday, June 11 2004
function AddCharacters($chrOne, $chrTwo) { $intOne=ord($chrOne); $intTwo=ord($chrTwo); $intRollCombo=$intOne + $intTwo; if ($intRollCombo>255) { $intRollCombo=$intRollCombo-256; } return $intRollCombo; } function SubtractCharacters($chrOne, $chrTwo) { $intOne=ord($chrOne); $intTwo=ord($chrTwo); $intRollCombo=$intOne - $intTwo; if ($intRollCombo<0) { $intRollCombo=256+$intRollCombo; } return $intRollCombo; } function CombineStrings($strOne, $strTwo, $strOperation, $strType) { $out=""; $intLenOne=strlen($strOne); $intLenTwo=strlen($strTwo); $strNonDec=""; if ($strType=="fromhex") { for ($i=0; $i<$intLenOne; $i=$i+2) { $strPair=substr($strOne, $i, 2); $strNonDec.=chr(hexdec($strPair)); } $strOne=$strNonDec; } $intLenOne=strlen($strOne); if ($strTwo=="") { $strTwo=" "; } if ($intLenOne>$intLenTwo) { while (strlen($strTwo)<$intLenOne) { $strTwo.=$strTwo; } } $strTwo=substr($strTwo, 0, $intLenOne-1); for ($i=0; $i<$intLenOne; $i++) { $chrThisOne=substr($strOne, $i, 1); $chrThisTwo=substr($strTwo, $i, 1); if ($strOperation=="add") { $chrSum=chr(AddCharacters($chrThisOne, $chrThisTwo)); } else if ($strOperation=="subtract") { $chrSum=chr(SubtractCharacters($chrThisOne, $chrThisTwo)); } if ($strType=="tohex") { $chrSum=str_pad(dechex(ord($chrSum)), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } $out.=$chrSum; } return $out; } function AddStrings($strOne, $strTwo) { return CombineStrings($strOne, $strTwo, "add", ""); } function SubtractStrings($strOne, $strTwo) { return CombineStrings($strOne, $strTwo, "subtract", ""); } function Encrypto($strIn, $strKey) { $out= strtoupper(CombineStrings($strIn, $strKey, "add", "tohex")); //$out=Compress($out); return $out; } function Decrypto($strIn, $strKey) { //$strIn=Decompress($strIn); $out=CombineStrings($strIn, $strKey, "subtract", "fromhex"); return $out; } For linking purposes this article's URL is: previous | next |