Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


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(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   metallic avatars of their sperm
Monday, April 16 2007
At some point today I found out about the [REDACTED]mass shooting at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia. But unlike all the other places where such shootings have happened, I was very familiar with this one. Virginia Tech was the most popular destination for my college-bound classmates, and I visited them several times during my college years. I also returned several more times in the mid-90s after a group of my Oberlin chums relocated there from Seattle. I've slept in Virginia Tech dorms and in various houses in the town. I've sampled most of the bars, played pool in one of the pool halls, and even seen one of my friends grab a couple cases of beer from a convenience store and dash out the door without paying. The first time I ever experienced heart palpitations and a panic attack was after drinking too much coffee at Bollo's. (I'm sure it's a Starbucks by now.)
As for the shooting itself, well, there's not much to say about it except, "How random!" America is a nation founded on the glorification of violence and the fetishizing of weaponry. On some level, though not to the extent the Black Helicopter crowd would have you believe, this unhealthy attitude towards death machines is even enshrined in our Bill of Rights. It's too late at this point in America's history to prevent such occasional acts of mass violence. Our job is, instead, to be amazed, saddened, and perhaps, it seems, entertained when it happens. But the lessons of history are that a culture so wedded to an idea would sooner die than give it up. We're like the Vikings in Greenland insisting on raising dairy cows. Part of the price we pay for our weapon fetish is the power it gives to people when they go violently off their rocker.
Personally, I view the existence (and adolescent exercise) of guns as an infringement on my right to peace and quiet. The peculiar need for grown men to fire metallic avatars of their sperm monotonously into trees can render the outdoors acoustically unpleasant even in my relatively urbane part of Hurley township. What part of "well regulated militia" isn't being understood?

This evening I entertained myself as a troll ("victorvodka") over at, creating two "diary entries" about the hot topic of the day: the shooting at Virginia Tech. The first mocked Bill O'Reilly's recent spectacle in which he worked himself into a rabid lather over the immigration status of a drunk driver in Virginia Beach, as if being an illegal immigrant somehow contributed to his crime. I rhetorically asked whether or not the Virginia Tech shooter was an illegal immigrant and then went off on a crazed tangent about securing America's borders against criminals. (At the time I assumed the shooter was, as all shooters turn out to be, a white male.)
They're boneheaded in most respects at, but they're pretty sharp about faux right wingers, and I was quickly condemned as being a "moby," which means "a liberal who writes crazed extremist right wing things on a right wing website in an effort to discredit the dialogue there." The term has its origins in an interview of Moby (the American pop-techno musician) in which he encouraged liberals to do such things. Somehow, though, what I'd written was just subtle enough to keep from being banned (or "blammed" as they call it).
Later I wrote another "diary" in which I claimed to be a former Virginia Tech student and made up a story about a good samaritan there who got in trouble for shooting a robber with a concealed weapon, concluding that anti-gun hysteria had contributed to today's tragedy.
By the end of the day, after Matt Drudge ran with a poorly-sourced story claiming the shooter was a Chinese national, I was claiming vindication and demanding people line up and apologize for accusing me of "mobying."
In case all this mobying and trolling ends up getting deleted, I'm posting it here:

Was the Shooter at Viginia Tech an Illegal Alien?

By victorvodka Posted in ArchivedComments (39) / Email this page » / Leave a comment »

I know the liberal media is already piling on about the need for gun control, but they're covering up one very important thing: was or was not the shooter an illegal alien? If he WAS an illegal alien, perhaps we should be wondering if our borders are being sufficiently defended. This is OUR nation, not theirs. It's time to get serious about protecting our country from criminals.

So far I haven't heard anything about the shooter's origins, and this leads me to suspect that he might not be an American. Because they'd definitely be saying if he was white or a member of the Young Republicans.




Actually, some of my friends at tech told me via AIM that this guy was not an American, but this hasn't been confirmed.


All kidding aside, I guess the judge & jury (if not the executioner) are still out.


This is totally uncalled for. Attempting to stir up an irrational hysteria towards a certain segment of our society without any basis whatsoever has many ugly names...


[REDACTED] probably a Moby by Darin H

either way, s/he's a troll who has only been here less than 2 days - and long overstayed his/her welcome.

A random walk through my head at Indiscriminate Tastes


A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever. -John Adams


Bill O'Reilly is full of good insights and great ideas. I disagree with him on occasion, but I strongly support his ideas on defending the country. I fear, though, that his un-PC rhetoric is going to cause him to go the way of Imus and the Dodo bird.


[REDACTED] He is a Moby by zuiko

He was probably too busy telling his dKos buddies about the awesome gag he had planned on RS to actually watch that guy's lame program.


I thought MOBY was a rapper because my daughter used to listen to a lot of music by some guy named Moby.


someone who goes onto a blog and posts deliberately inflammatory writings that are designed to make the hosts and the populace of the site look bad. A "Moby" on this site would post diaries or comments that on the surface would look like a "Conservative" point of view, but are poorly reasoned or just plain stupid.

This is different than being a "troll" in that a troll (as I understand it) is directly argumentative and provocative. On this site, a Troll would post a diary listing all the reasons that Hillary should be elected president. A "Moby" on this site might write a post that says that Hillary should not be elected president because she is actually an extra-terrestrial who descended from an UFO.

I believe that the term originated from the electronica musician Moby (a liberal) who said that liberals should infiltrate conservative blogs then make them look stupid.


He has only been here one day! Admin, please delete this diary!

Evil prevails only when good men do nothing.


OTOH, the "Rational & Well Explained Argument Police" do.

In this instance, you fail on both counts.


[REDACTED] I'd agree... by David Kirby

...with the outrage. It was reported early on that the individual was of Asian appearance.

And statesmen at her council met
Who knew the seasons when to take
Occasion by the hand, and make
The bounds of freedom wider yet
- Tennyson, _To the Queen_



[REDACTED] Softy. :) by Moe Lane

Don't presume on our hospitality like this again, victorvodka. Ever.

The Fuzzy Puppy of the VRWC.


Yes, not to take unnecessary credit for anything on this sad day, but everyone who called me a troll can now line up and m[REDACTED]assage my feet (hot chicks only, please!).


Okay, so I might have gotten a few details wrong. But this is a Diary for Pete's sake - and you're all getting Accuracy in Media on my *ss!


This man's legal status will not add or subtract from either side of the issue of illegal immigration, unless we are willing to condemn American citizenship for the Columbine tragedy.


The 9/11 hijackers killed less than 3000. Heck, more are killed every month in highway accidents, and no one wants to deport Toyotas!



33 people are dead and you're invoking a rainbow flag and gun control as rationale. If you're not a troll, you're bringing shame onto those whose mantle you purport to carry.


[REDACTED] Ahoy! by AnonCon

Will someone please put this person out of our misery before he brings us more attention that we don't deserve? He's been here for a day and he's started one inane thread and one whose subject matter is untimely if otherwise objectionable but contains a handful of nuggets of stupidity. He's either a troll or a moron, and either way he needs at minimum a lesson in posting guidelines.


[REDACTED] AnonCon.. by jadedmara

...I know his first diary was a bit off (and made me think he was a troll), but please bear in mind victorvodka isn't the first on the site to be talking about gun control versus gun availability with respect to the vtech shooting. Considering other commentators on the news are politicizing the shooting with arguments for gun control, I don't see how it's outside the pale to be giving the reverse argument.

That being said, I'm still reeling from the shootings myself and really haven't thought too much about the politics of it. Instead I'm worried about the numerous people I know who go there.


[REDACTED] Noted by jadedmara



A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever. -John Adams


A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever. -John Adams


now its gun control. Any other bases you want to touch? Don't politicize this. We know virtually nothing about who did this and why. Until we do, condolences should suffice.


[REDACTED] Recomended by Joliphant

This tragedy is not an argument for gun control but an argument against. I was listening to the reports on the radio while driving with a friend today. He turned to me and asked didn't somebody just throw something at the gunman ? A chair, a paperweight, something heavy ? He has a concealed carry permit, I have a variety of weapons for self defense. Neither one of us could conceive of just letting this happen.

My prayers to the families that have lost loved ones. Its a horrible thing for a parent to outlive a child.


I always like to think I'd be the one to tackle those Al Qaeda guys on flight whatever and singlehandedly save one of the World Trade Center towers. But in the end I recognize that I'd probably wuss out and wait for someone else to handle things. This is another of those cases. How could you stop a guy with a gun when you're armed with a book (the chairs in that auditorium are attached to the floor). You can't. You have to pray to God that he intercedes somehow against this evil.


And she broke up with me because of it. But no, I don't try (too hard) to take advantage of EVERY female I meet.

As for guys, hey, I don't swing that way. And you can't be too careful out there when it comes to these sort of things. You get too friendly with someone, they offer you some shots of tequila, and the last thing you remember thinking is, "Hey, I'm still completely sober." I've had friends who got drunk and wound up pretty badly compromised, and I don't want that to be me. But I agree, gay guys are just like anyone else - they're picky about who they want. And they have an unusual fondness for mauve.


I suspect that a prohibition against firearms will only create a large black market for firearms. In the short term you might see people substitute knives, zip guns, etc., but in the long run criminal elements will have ready access to firearms and even more incentive to utilize them in crime.


Do you deny that VA Tech is a "gun free zone?" Do you deny that VA Tech's "gun free zone" status did not save one life yesterday?


I guess as a nice Polish-American patriot I'm going to have to send back my brand new, shiny Riso HC5500, which is truly one of the best-engineered printers I've ever had the pleasure of working with. Tough luck for me!

Sheesh, folks. Let's not flip out, here.


Okay, so they make it illegal to say what you want or to peacefully assemble or whatever, and they start torturing anyone they don't like just because it makes them feel good and "not quaint" (to paraphrase the Attorney General). So then you say, "That's it! I've had it!" And you grab your gun... and then what? Those guys have tanks, machine guns, helicopters.

While I think the 2nd Amendment is great for arming ourselves against individual crazies and terrorists, I don't think it is going to allow us to secure our democracy against a modern well-armed nation state.


Wasn't saying anything about gun control in the previous post, just pointing out the the guy who posted this is just throwing out one over-the-top, stereotypical talking point after another. Seems kind of funny that he so perfectly matches the stereotypical caricature of a conservative. Not only that, even if he is a conservative, he makes baseless claims he can't back up and whines, usually using one of those caricature talking points, when he gets called on them. All I was saying is that I think he's a phony.

Speaking of stereotypes, who exactly do you think you are replying to with this?

Lets take away the guns so we can all live in an utopia. Thats the ticket right? Please do not forget that one of the reasons that the Right to Bare Arms was included in the constitution was so that the populous had the means to stand up for their rights if they were ever threatened such as they are with the "Patriot Act"!

You may not believe it, but I'm not trying to take away your guns. I even have several myself. That doesn't mean I think I should be able to endanger others with them whenever and wherever I see fit. I've witnessed two accidental shootings, and simply refuse to trust that any random idiot is responsible enough to be armed at all times and not accidentally shoot someone, so I have no problem with establishments not wanting to deal with that kind of liability.

As for the intent of the second amendment, it sure would be nice if that was known. Unfortunately, very little was written about it at the time. A pretty good case can be made that the intent of the second amendment was not meant to allow citizens the right to rebel against their own government, but only to arm themselves in defense of it.

And the point of defense against the US government is basically lost anyway. I don't care how many guns you have, good luck taking on the US military with them. Know of any guns you will ever be allowed, or one could afford, to buy that will take down an Apache helicopter or stop an Abrams tank? Good luck with that revolution.

Once again, not saying you shouldn't be allowed to buy, own, or carry guns. I am saying that when you are outside of your personal property, the owner of that property, even if it is the taxpayers, should have the right to allow or not allow guns on that property. I'm also saying that the second amendment isn't all that clear on the issue and also that dreams of a glorious revolution are pretty far-fetched.


You speculated that the shooter was an illegal alien. Still waiting on you to back that up.


I suppose that is a resounding no on backing up you claims.


[REDACTED] RE: First of all by Rhythm322

Good points and most well taken. An apology, is due and you have it. By no means am i saying to take up arms against the government is currently the right thing to do, however, gorilla tactics are useful and effective if the need ever should arise. No, direct assualts would be a foolish means of resistance. However i would care to draw attention to this article:

So when i was referring to less gun control it was more to he type of weapons available. Agreed, that you should have the right to not allow weapons where they are not welcome. So i would back off my original statements a bit. That should be a state to state issue and not one decided on by a national admendment or law calling for more control on what we are allowed to own. Yes there should be background checks on people before they get 'em but at the same time you should have the right to own them. There is still hope to do things by the power of the pen but as i had said earlier, the power of the pen only exists because the sword backs it up. Take away my Weapons and I'll show you China or another oppressive state.

I would also encourage all to watch this video,
Freedom to Fascism by Arron Russo:

Good Night & Good Luck!


[REDACTED] I'm a red neck by Rhythm322

what can i say I'm a red neck that never did learn how to spell well, plus i'm dyslexic which make spelling and word confusion that much more difficult. I rely on spell check quite a bunch and often get things worng word wise. But the meaning is still there.

For linking purposes this article's URL is:

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