Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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Like my brownhouse:
   leaves stuck to wet surfaces
Tuesday, October 2 2012
It was a dreary rainy day, with the rain being just cold enough to impart that special misery that is unique to autumnal rain. Such rain weighs down the leaves and breaks them loose prematurely, and they end up randomly sticking to things in a way that sends a shiver up your spine to behold.
This clamminess is making the joint compound dry slowly in the greenhouse upstairs, though there are things I can do while I wait for that. Late this afternoon I found myself installing yet more plastic sheeting to serve as additional vapor barrier. I'd neglected the place where the ceiling drywall reaches up to (but doesn't quite reach) the girder above the south-facing glass. I stuffed one edge of a narrow strip of plastic into the gap and will wrap the rest of the plastic around the girder, thereby sealing all the air gaps that might allow indoor air to get up into the attic. To permanently seal the gap along the girder, I used yet another can of spray foam.
As I was stuffing plastic into the gap, there was a large wolf spider that disappeared into it and I proved unable to coax him/her out. So, sadly, he/she will probably be sealed up in the attic forever. I don't think there are any holes into the attic large enough to allow a big wolf spider to escape. (The largest ones I can think of would be the cracks between the sheets of roof decking, but those cracks all fall either on the centers of rafters or on boards run between the rafters.)
This evening Gretchen had her poetry group over, and the house was so cold and clammy that she had me make a fire. I burned old paper and cardboard, and the thermometer on the woodstove got up to around 900 degrees Fahrenheit. I managed to brand the back of my left forefinger when it was in that state (though technically it wasn't a true brand, as the burn was only a second degree one).

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