Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
Sunday, March 6 2016
I woke up this morning feeling like I definitely had fallen ill. The malady creating thick viscous mucous in the cavities above the back of my throat had spread into my body, making me feel weak. I also had a headache and a cough that produced very unsatisfactory amounts of material. I had a session scheduled with my mentee, but I decided it was best to cancel it given my condition, which worsened throughout the day.
For some reason, though, I felt the need to go into the forest with my big battery-powered chainsaw to further cut up large tree trunks at the place where I'd been salvaging that green Chestnut Oak windfall (just up the Chamomile from the Stick Trail). It was a beautiful day it felt good to be in the woods even if I was sick. I'd already cut up all the Chestnut Oak, so now the only thing left was a large trunk of White Ash that had succumbed to the Emerald Ash Borer and snapped off about five feet above the ground. It's not much work to cut with a battery-powered chainsaw, but moving the pieces afterwards soon had me in that weird zone that one only enters when one is weakened by illness and yet chooses to exercise anyway.
By this evening, I kept mostly to the living room couch, obsessively checking and rechecking all my usual websites using my Chromebook. Two new recent stops for me is and The concise psychological insights of offer some relief from the knowing contrarianism of and the screechy progressivism of As for, it's basically an automated Nate Silver, giving perhaps the best aggregate assessment of the ongoing political horserace using the wisdom of the masses.
Meanwhile, my vendetta against Matt Rogers was not quite over. You'll recall that in his meltdown thread, he had said, "Adding Gus back was a failed experiment it's nice he endorsed me on linkedin and all, but it's not enough." Indeed, I had endorsed several of Matt Rogers' skills on, but I'd mostly done so because linkedin's confusing interface had led me to think I was accepting endorsements Matt Rogers had been making of me (and, hey, I'm looking for a job). It turns out that one can un-endorse as well as endorse on linkedin, so I made a point of un-endorsing all the skills I'd previously endorsed (Web Development, Dreamweaver, Graphic Design, Photoshop, and Web Design). Then I added an endorsement for the skill of Landscaping. According to his resume, Matt Rogers has been working as a landscaper at Zoelle Garden Care since 2003. I am pretty sure that is a company run by his mother, the same person that provides Matt Rogers with a place to sleep. Never has a BA from Oberlin College been squandered quite so completely.
One can also write "recommendations" for others on linkedin, so I wrote this one for Matt Rogers:

Matthew Rogers is the best possible petty dictator your organization could possibly hire. He is absolutely pure in terms of politics, though there is a danger that YOUR lack of purity will result in your being executed by firing squad when the revolution comes. But don't worry, the revolution isn't coming. Living on a couch in his mother's basement, Matthew Rogers is always at the ready whenever dictatorial pursuits beckon, particularly via Facebook and other social media. No longer a part of "the PC left," Matt Rogers is still open to being in a mixed-race relationship if there is a negress vagina that will have him. [Note: technically, Matt Rogers does not live in his mother's basement. He lives on her porch. I do not believe his mother's house actually has a basement. Furthermore, Matt Rogers' romantic interests are mostly directed at dumpy hippie chicks who turn out to be lesbians, not African-American women.]
I should mention, by the way, that when Matt Rogers rageunfriended me on Facebook, he apparently went on to ragequit Facebook itself, despite the fact that he'd amassed 40-some friends with his Herbert Hoover profile. I determined this by searching for his profile using my other troll profiles, ones he wouldn't have known to block, and I found no evidence of its continued existence. I should be flattered that his entire "get off my lawn" foray into Facebook had been an attempt to reach out to me.

Matt Rogers' profile picture from his short-lived "Herbert Hoover" identity. I'm guessing he created this in Adobe Photoshop all by himself. Evidently "shitlord" is a term he has been using of late. It may be a reference to his 13+ year career as a revolution-plotting landscaping professional.

The "cover photo" for Matt Rogers' short-lived "Herbert Hoover" identity. Unless he has learned how to draw in the last ten years, I do not think he drew this. I am pretty sure, though, that he added the caption himself using Adobe Photoshop. [Note, a Google Image Search reveals the artist to likely be Andrew Kellett.]

This evening as I drifted into and out of sleep, I heard Gretchen watching the Downton Abbey finale upstairs. Mostly all I focused on was the music beneath the dialog. It never varied from a particular quality of sound, which to my ear resembled the "orchestral strings" setting on a mid-priced keyboard. It had none of the complexity of a real orchestra, though its artificialness wasn't especially intrusive. I have a feeling that if I'd been watching it, I never would've noticed.

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