Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


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Like my brownhouse:
   wife stands by color choice
Tuesday, March 22 2016
This morning Jeremy, Sarah the Vegan's new boyfriend, came over to look at our living room again to ascertain what needed doing as part of an upcoming painting job we'd hired to do. We'd thought maybe he'd be doing some basic wall preparation so it would be dry and ready when the painting needed to happen. But instead he just hung out and drank coffee. He said he'd return later in the day, but he never did. We were starting to get a feel for why he's our age and still living with his mother (or was until he moved in with Sarah).
Meanwhile, I cut out a piece of Hardiebacker and used it to replace the drywall beneath the collar tie where water enters the house during occasions of ice damming. Over the course of the day, I spackled in layer after layer of joint compound until the wall was perfectly smooth and there was no longer any of the off-white from the underlying Hardiebacker visible. With the new in-wall water collection system and the now-waterproof wall material, I'll be interested to see how future occasions of ice damming affect these repairs. But the earliest possible next instance of ice damming is about ten months away.
I also used the "Koi Pond" shade of paint to cover most of a wall near the front door to have a sense of how our house will look after it is painted. Based on what I saw, I wasn't sure we'd made a good color decision. But Gretchen thought it was great, and really that's all that matters.

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