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   Easter gesso challenge
Monday, March 28 2016
This afternoon, I took a recreational 120 milligram dose of pseudoephedrine, and was still on it when I met up with Nancy at her place for our weekly live drawing class (as nearly always, Ray had to work and couldn't come). I'd brought myself a cocktail of gin and orange juice in my travel mug, since having an alcoholic beverage had worked so well at the last drawing class. Today's model was a youngish woman with a smattering of tattoos and what looked to be most of her endowment of pubic hair (the one model who exposed her crotch at BSP several weeks ago had been shaved). I don't know what this says about the state of female pubic hair in America today; a year or two ago, Stacy, our abortion doctor friend, told us that all her patients are shaved down there. I was painting fairly well today, but I'd made the mistake of working on a piece of rough oriented-strand board (OSB) that I'd gessoed a pastel Easter purple. That was a fundamental challenge that couldn't be overcome. There was also the issue of composition; I didn't fill enough of the surface with figure drawings, and so the "painting" is really just four or five small paintings that happen to share the same piece of wood. See for yourself:

The full "painting." You can see the issues with composition and cloying purple.

But this series of figures from the one-minute poses actually works as a coherent painting.

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