Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   unlike the other depressing things happening in the world
Monday, December 5 2016
I had a 10:30am appointment with my optometrist (or is it optician, or is ophthalmologist?) in Uptown Kingston. I'd had one only a little over a year before, but since the beginning of December, I've had vision coverage in the healthcare package provided by The Organization. As always, this appointment chronicled the continued deterioration of my vision. Not only has my astigmatism grown slightly worse, but the erosion in my ability to focus on objects close to my face continues. For some reason I find none of this depressing. Perhaps this is because, unlike the other depressing things happening in the world, it's completely normal. Though my insurance coverage includes frames and lenses, I decided not to get any today. I just prefer working with, where everything is obvious and the options are limitless, even if it, like with bookstores, is destroying mom & pop opticians worldwide.
I also did some bank business at our credit union on the way home. Gretchen had given me six checks to put in the bank from our tenants, and I made the mistake of not working with an actual teller when I put them in our account. One of the other bank employees, seeing the line piling up, had offered to let me step into her office and do my transaction there. She gave me a tally that seemed a little low, but I didn't think anything of it as I went to get a free cup of coffee from the coffee robot. Bank employees might make errors now and then, but they're rare. Back at the house, Gretchen (who was looking for other information when she discovered this) saw that two of the checks had never been counted. Had I lost them? She decided to go to the bank and find out. It turned out that the employee had simply overlooked two of the checks. They were in the stack, but they hadn't been counted. Bullet dodged!
A bullet not dodged came later today when we learned that water from the plumbing in one of our Brick Mansion apartments is leaking into the one beneath. It's the kind of thing that makes Gretchen freak out, but not me. It's a reality on the ground we can actually do something about, unlike so much else that is very wrong in the world.

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