Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   code resembling geological formations
Wednesday, December 21 2016
At 11am Gretchen and I met with our accountant in Uptown Kingston to discuss our tax situation now that we have two rental properties. First, though, we had a long chat about the horror of Donald Trump. Everyone at our accountants' office is seemingly on board with being horrified, to the extent that the employees have been having a "Trump meeting" every morning. So far, though, the menace of a Trumpian future hasn't negatively affected stocks, most of which have been up since initially experiencing a Hillary-loss heart attack. "But is this as high as it goes?" is the question. Any given tweet could make it all collapse, and though there's apparently no limit to Trump's twitter insanity, none of this seems to matter (except with respect to individual companies such as Boeing). Eventually we got around to talking about our own taxes and how best to structure things with our real estate. It turns out that it would've probably been better to take out the mortgage on the rental property instead of our own house just because it is "cleaner." But we might've had trouble doing that, given the fact that we'd bought the house without an inspection. [REDACTED]
On the way out, while I was in the bathroom, Gretchen was talking about Trump to one of the women working in the accounting office. She said that we have a rule (one I insisted on) that we're not to begin the day with any Trump news. If one is having a peaceful dream or waking gradually from sleep, one doesn't want to be jerked back into the worst part of present reality in the known Universe.
There are still backwaters of hope sprinkled throughout the potentially-post-apocalyptic landscape. One of these is Outdated, where Gretchen and I went next for a lunch of tempeh reubens (and, for me, coffee). Today the place had more dogs (2) than babies (1), which is always a good thing. One of those dogs was a big pit bull who had big black splotches on an otherwise white coat. Our sandwiches took an unusually long time to arrive, and when they did they were just as greasy and disgusting as always. For me, this was a good thing, though Gretchen's didn't sit as well with her.
Much later today, I finally managed to get CodeMirror (a Javascript library that turns an HTML textarea into a proper code editing environment) working in the report editing system I've been working on. I'd only recently come to understand in detail how the proprietary Javascript environment I work in actually operates, and this was necessary to get CodeMirror working. Still, I only got it working to a point. The SQL context-coloring wasn't working; the only things being colored were strings and other literals. But I kept hacking away at it, long after taking a 10 milligram dose of the ambien that would later knock me out completely. I like entering a dreamlike half-awake state as I write either code or English, though it can also be frustrating. At one point, I remember the structures of code began to resemble geological formations against the negative space of the edigor, and the specifics of what the code said was lost. Unless I struggled, all I could see were the indentations.

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