Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

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(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   copper pipes out of the walls of America
Thursday, December 8 2016
The excesses from yesterday's unsupervised me-time had taken their toll on me by today. My mood was now grimmer, pessimmisic, amd it seemed the steady stream of horror coming out of the Donald Trump transition was eating relentlessly at any self-worth and motivation in a creepy always-on-my-mind way. It's the kind that comes I'm I still nowhere near acceptance in the flawed Kübler-Ross model of grief. The drugs I take seem to corral my Trumpian revulsion for a time, but then those feelings have to be taken out to walk and shit and eat, and I'm forced to face them once more in a more concentrated form. If there were better virtual worlds, that might be a place to retreat into, though if there is any richness in those places, they too are filled with triumphant alt-right maniacs who want to destroy the ad hoc world of the middle class so the feudal lords of Trumpism can clad more buildings in gold and marble and host endless spectacles of "business" meetings. Trump is better at playing the media than any of us were willing to admit; these meetings play well in the media even if they are ultimately about ripping the copper pipes out of the walls of America and selling them for pennies on the dollar.
It certainly didn't help that today was a relentlessly cold one. The only reason to go outside was the morning walk with the dogs and occasional forrays to the woodshed for armloads of firewood. In the past I've been more strict about using the brownhouse for the function for which it was designed. But on these cold days when it's just me in the house, I don't mind shitting in a conventional flush toilet.
Gretchen returned at around 10pm tonight with a burger, a faux chicken sandwich, cheesefries, and some sort of faux chicken salad from a new vegan burger place called V-Burger. It was late for dinner, but we were both hungry, so we ate it while watching Jeopardy as per usual.

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