Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   further tooth erosion
Thursday, December 29 2016
There was something of a snow storm this morning that extended into the afternoon. It started out as sleet, which was what was happening as I walked the dogs at an unusually early hour.
At some point this afternoon as I was eating some chips and salsa (or something similar, definitely involving chips), I felt some problem develop in my craggy remains of my right upper wisdom tooth. Whatever the problem was, it made eating on that side of my mouth suddenly very uncomfortable. The tooth in questions has a long and troubled history, having abscessed back in the summer of 2005 and then, after a root canal, begun falling apart in the summer of 2007. Today it felt like a piece of corn chip had somehow gotten lodged into the gap in the gum adjacent to it, but nothing I did seemed to clear it. And then at some point I realized that the problem was that a piece of the molar itself had broken free and was moving around. It was still attached to gum in one spot and seemed unenthusiastic about letting go. But I knew that it wasn't going to do anything but cause problems unless it was removed, so I twisted and pulled until it finally popped off. It was about the size of a lemon seed, though it featured a black concavity on one side where the root canal filling had gone. This piece was a little smaller than the piece that had broken off in 2007, and I still have more than half of the wisdom tooth remaining in my mouth. Of course now there is also an intriguing new void to explore with my tongue. The adjacent gum is a bit tender, but the tooth itself is dead and has felt nothing for over a decade. With that loose piece of tooth out of the way, I can eat normally once more.

This evening at the end of work, everybody on the IT team got together for a videoconference exchange of our secret santa presents. Mine had come from Ca, which I already knew to be a huge box of Barilla Farfalle pasta. The attached note read "Gus, you wanted some fuckin pasta, you got some fuckin pasta. Happy Holidays, Ca." But before any of that, there was a long period of banter about things like New Years resolutions and other things that don't much interest me. At the time, I was dealing with a vexing code debugging issue: CodeMirror was failing to save data to a new Code Mirror editor I'd added to my increasingly-baroque report-editing system, and I'd forgotten about the place in the code that does a CodeMirror refresh as part of the save action. Once that was out of the way, I could relax and banter with my team. Several of us were drinking, including me, though it wasn't immediately obvious because I was drinking from a coffee cup. When Da said, "we're throwing down," I assured them all I was drinking scotch, which a more aggressive beverage than they'd expected. [REDACTED]
Eventually gifts were exchanged. I got my pasta, Nicole revealed the painting I'd made of her bearded dragon (which she definitely seemed to appreciate). Ha had sent Ca a gorgeous poster illustrating humankind's presumably soon-to-end history of space exploration, someone had contributed to animal rights in Dan's name, and Ni had sent Da some perishable food item he'd already eaten. Ca insisted that I'd actually put Barilla Farfalle on the web-based secret santa system we'd used, though I had no memory of doing that. I'd remembered including "smoking marijuana" and "sneaking booze into movie theatres" as some hobbies I'd mentioned, but I hadn't deliberately clicked on any of the many Amazon products on offer.
We ended up hanging out for hours in video chat, and I stayed after all but Da had left for quite some time afterward. [REDACTED] For me, it ended up being a four hour videoconference party, and it was at least as fun as an actual party taking place in a real Euclidean space.

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