without any non-ghost cats Tuesday, March 7 2017
After days of extreme cold, the weather started warming up again today. This morning there was a light fog, and by this afternoon there was some rain sprinkling down and temperatures in the 40s. There aren't many indications of the nascent springtime, though there are a few tulip stems breaking though to the surface, or there were before the recent cold wave. I don't know that they could do such a thing now with the ground frozen as solid as it is.
Meanwhile, in the ongoing process that is my laboratory floor repainting project, I'm all out of brushes that could be used to repaint non-white shapes on the floor, and there is little white left to do. So today I repainted the steps in from the teevee room, which were all splattered with brown tea stains. The paint had also worn completely through in places, particularly along the very edge of the step. Without any non-ghost cats in the habit of hanging out in the laboratory, it's never been so easy to paint the floor. I don't always even have to close the door. I just do the painting and then put objects around the wet spot to keep myself and the various animals who happen by from tromping through it.
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