March 2017 01: Gretchen is back in her library
- Though still ill from whatever she picked up in Mexico, Gretchen is finally using her rennovated basement library space.
02: if cheerfulness can be improved so easily
- I buy some thrift store paint for the laboratory floor.
03: all things tempura-colored do
- Molten-lava-hot tofu in my mouth at the Stone Ridge Japanese restaurant after an art opening.
04: the myster of Stripey's globular nature
- In the last few weeks, Stripey the Cat had gained a lot of weight, but only in his lower abdomen.
05: indigo bunting on a credit card
- Also, spending my Sunday making functions recursive.
06: so long, Stripey
- The best solution to his engorged abdomen is euthanasia. And so I say goodbye to this not-so-great official laboratory cat.
07: without any non-ghost cats
- Painting the floor in the empty laboratory.
08: dangerously early phoebe
- While temperatures nearly rose into the 60s today, there's more winter to come and it's no time for a flycatcher to be calling it spring.
09: mix of toys in the box
- More robotic treasures at the Tibetan Center thrift store.
10: paint spill disaster
- How I unexpectedly spent an hour of my afternoon.
11: White Unicorn
- Repainting the floor and rewatching a Tarantino movie.
12: fake wine label
- In this post-truth world, why not make a fake wine label and put it on a real bottle of wine?
13: DIY pinhole lens
- Reading glasses formed entirely from the flesh of my hands.
14: Blizzard of 2017
- The biggest snow in years arrives, and this time we have rental properties to deal with.
15: sunken place
- Watching Get Out and going to a diner on the day after the big blizzard.
16: 63A490 vs 53A38F
- Why can't paint manufacturers just give us the hexadecimal values?
17: Celeste moves into empty cat habitat
- Though she got along with its own denizen, since he died, Celeste has been spending a lot of time in the laboratory. Also, I fix a remote workplace crisis.
18: not for stuff that is many times bigger
- Figuring out what I might want to get rid of as repainting the laboratory floor makes me systematically examine my stuff.
19: mistake the heating light for the cooking light
- God I hate our Imusa rice cooker.
20: a very long present
- And how it affects my thoughts about mortality.
21: doesn't exactly produce evergreens
- Listening to podcasts and painting the laboratory floor.
22: Tu, Fu, and Ck
- Recollection of a dream about the atomic weight of iron and new elements as Slack emojis.
23: dreams of architectural graffiti
- There is no limit to what I can build in a week when I'm secretly building structures on abandoned property in my dreams.
24: no birthday cake for Ramona
- Ramona acts like a bitch at Chongo's third birthday party. Also, spaghetti in New Paltz.
25: belated birthday brews
- Beer and a burrito at R&R in Woodstock.
26: glassware rack
- As part of my tidying of the laboratory, I build a rack for my chemistry glassware.
27: old hard drive boxes
- Saying goodbye to more manufactured detritus I will never use.
28: as though this is a thing
- Conversations over homemade pizza.
29: I'd wanted to plant the seed
- My first medical checkup in thirty years and nobody bothers looking up my ass.
30: as big as a basketball court
- Once again, the laboratory floor is clear.
31: Get Out again
- In a movie with lots of hinted-at mysteries, it's important to watch it at least twice. Also, taking a lot of useless computer detritus to the dump.