old hard drive boxes Monday, March 27 2017
On my morning walk down to the brownhouse, I heard two phoebes calling about 100 feet apart east of the house. Though it's been unseasonably cold and still hasn't warmed up to normal conditions for late March, phoebes are apparently on a tight schedule and need to set up their territories and nesting sites before April. This accounted for that one probably-unfortunate phoebe who'd made his or her way here back in early March after a long period of unseasonable warmth. But after two or three arctic blasts and a snow-dumping blizzard, it's unlikely that poor bird found the insects he or she needed just to stay alive.
In my ongoing laboratory decluttering project, today I made some more decisions to get rid of things that I will never use, including two old Molsen Ice boxes (the kind that once held twelve 12 ounce bottles, back when I drank that brand) full of old hard drive pieces. These pieces mostly consisted of the aluminum boxes and circuit boards for the drives; I'd stripped out all the small parts such as magnets, platters, motors, and even head-arms. They'd taken up room for 14 years in the laboratory without me ever fishing anything out of them, so it definitely made sense for them to go. There's a big dumpster at the Hurley transfer station for metals recycling, so it's not like this stuff will end up in a landfill.
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