not for stuff that is many times bigger Saturday, March 18 2017
There wasn't much choice for place to go this morning when I took the dogs for a walk. The Farm Road had been plowed for its entire length, but there were no paths through the deep snow to go anywhere else. It had taken three days for the Farm Road to get plowed because the guy doing it had been using a frontend loader instead of a snow plow. This was probably because the snow plow that normally does it had been called into service to plow higher-priority roads and driveways after Tuesday's freakish blizzard.
I made further progress on painting the laboratory floor today, working my way closer to the line where the sloping east ceiling meets the floor. In the past I've repainted all except the yellow floor shapes, but such repainting usually stopped shy reaching beneath all the stuff and getting into the low-headroom places. This repainting, though, is proving more thorough and widespread, and there's also more stuff in the way. The process of systematically clearing and repainting the floor shape by shape has reminded me of all the stuff I have, much of which I will never have a use for. For example, there's that Sony CRT television that I bought from P&T Surplus back in 2008 mostly for use with a Sony Playstation II that has long since died and been thrown away. It takes up prime real estate on the floor near the laboratory ottoman, but I never use it. If I were to need an old-school composite monitor, it would make more sense to hook up one of the several cheap LCD panels with this functionality. CRTs might still have some uses, but they take up a lot of space. I'm something of a hoarder, but not for stuff that is many times bigger than it needs to be to do what it needs to do. This is why I do not have a rack of CDs, a shelf of VHS tapes, or a milk crate of vinyl albums in the laboratory. A refrigerator-size collection of media in that form could fit on a single microSD card so small that if it fell on the floor of the car I might never find it.
Though it snowed throughout the afternoon, little of it stuck, particularly once it reached the ground. So Gretchen had no difficulty driving back from Brattleboro tonight. The last chore of my day involves soldering male pin headers to the JTAG and serial ports to the circuit board of the Linksys WRT54GS router. These ports were nice macroscopic solderpads at 0.1 inch pitch with through-holes and everything, but the through-holes were full of solder, and getting the headers installed proved to be much more difficult than expected. But I got 'er done and didn't destroy the router, though an ill-advised use of the soldering iron to burn away some in-my-way plastic filled the air with an acrid smell that I couldn't completely purge from my nostrils even after I'd gone to bed.
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