doesn't exactly produce evergreens Tuesday, March 21 2017
Relatively balmy conditions continued today, and the birds sounded positively springlike despite the continued presence of slushy snow completely covering the ground. I have not seen any more Phoebes since the probably-doomed one I saw in early March, though one arriving now might only have a few unpleasant days of ahead for him or her. The days are now longer than the nights.
I'm still painting the floor in the laboratory. It's slow going because I want the shapes to remain pretty much as they were, with their edges crisply-defined. To do this takes careful brushwork. Lately I've been using a small brush to do the edges and then filling the shape in with a larger brush. I usually have some sort of podcast to listen to. A couple days ago, I discovered The Ezra Klein Show and The Weeds (also involving Ezra Klein), both of which are great listening for a political junky. They were so good, in fact, that I even listened to some of the back catalog (as far back as Trump's inaugural), despite the fact that this show doesn't exactly produce evergreens. By today, though, I'd exhausted most of what I wanted to listen to in the world of podcasts. So I began listening my way through the discography of Guadalcanal Diary, a proto-alternative rock band from Marietta, Georgia. They're from the same time and region as REM, so it's no surprise that they sound very similar. I wouldn't say they're as good as REM, and I didn't particularly like most of their songs. What I was trying to find was a particular song I'd heard on Bagel Radio that sounded vaguely like Jethro Tull. I finally found it late this afternoon. The song is called "Fade Out," and, it's more metallic and wall-of-soundy than their usual jangly production. I love it.
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