long call on the east deck Sunday, September 2 2018
I neglected to mention that last night Sarah the Vegan spent the night in our basement Gunther guestroom (the one nearest to the boiler room). She'd originally planned to go with Nancy down to Maryland, but her cat Effie had gotten sick (though only mildly). So she'd not gone with Nancy, yet she had a housesitter already arranged. This morning, Gretchen, Sarah and I all had pancakes out on the east deck. Sarah is talker, and her non-stop conversation with Gretchen caused the latter to add too much flour to the pancake batter, a minor fiasco that somehow caused everything to end up having too much baking soda in it. In any case, the pancakes actually turned out okay.
Later, after Gretchen headed off for her Sunday bookstore shift, I tried to install one of the new front rotors on the Subaru. But of course I'd gotten the somewhat smaller ones, and it turned out the rotors on my Subaru were the larger (294 mm) ones. (I'd made the calculation that of course my car would have the crappier, smaller rotors, but it does not. But perhaps the smaller rotors aren't the crappy ones; it turns out the bigger ones are cheaper!)
The Subaru was now undrivable, so I couldn't even go switch the rotors at Advance. I was also blocked-in by Sarah's Matrix. I suppose I could've asked to borrow that, as she was only a little way into what would be a very long phone conversation with her DC-area friend Ellen out on the east deck. But instead I turned my attention to processing the rough pieces of firewood piled in front of the garage. I managed to cut up a fair amount with the 120v electric saw and then split it into manageable woodstove-ready pieces. By the time Sarah left, I was far too sweaty to hug her goodbye. She was still wearing the same black cocktail dress from the night before.
By this evening, I'd made a noticeable dent on the raw firewood in front of the garage. That's become a major priority for her since I finished the screened-in porch. I should mention that the weather had returned to the horrible hot & humid conditions from a week ago or so, and any effort expended outdoors resulted in being immediately drenched in sweat.
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