a sine wave in console window Wednesday, September 19 2018
Today in the workplace was similar to yesterday, mostly spent waiting for the things I needed to proceed on other things, and largely spending that time trying to get up to speed on C#. Syntactically, the language is similar enough to all the other C-like languages I know for me to easily write a little program (effectively using Visual Studio for the first time ever) that "draws" a sine wave in console window using spaces and asterisks. Getting more complicated things to work required a steeper learning curve than my attention was prepared to tackle, and, try as I might, I couldn't get a set of backend services from the company's flagship webapp to work on my local machine.
Happily, there was finally some talk today of getting me more integrated with the team, perhaps even sending me as a "ride along" during a pitch of the product to a prospective customer. [REDACTED]
I learned an interesting thing from Alex, the keywording guy who had recommended me to the company. He says that, though the company was founded in the early 1980s, his (Alex's) involvement had started a little before 2000, when the biggest thing on the agenda was fixing Y2K bugs. Alex, it turns out, was the guy who had hired the head honcho in the early 2000s and then left the company to pursue his keywording dream. I'm still a bit unclear on who exactly owns the company then, since it's not Alex, and, with that information, it seems only somewhat likely that it's the head honcho. It's not a public company, and it's so small that its head honcho does both SQL development and sales. Someday perhaps I'll know, but the information so far seems to be coming like layers of an onion. (When I'd been interviewed, I had no idea what sort of software the company made, and nobody ever bothered to say.)
This afternoon I went to the place in the middle of the village that makes good burritos and ate one there (as opposed to on a bench near the main crossroads of the village). As I did so, I read yet more on my phone about the high school sexual abuse skeleton in Brett Kavanaugh's closet (for those reading this in the year 2520 in some cave: he is hoping to become the second member of a Vlad Putin caucus on the Supreme Court).
This evening after Gretchen came home, Gretchen didn't want to cook, so I made us a meal of pasta with chunky red sauce. I didn't have any mushrooms, but I did have onions and soy curls, and soy curls soaked in dilute soy sauce is a pretty good meat substitute (though mine were a bit too salty).
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