September 2018 01: edibles and purple pie
- Memory fails a friend while eating a favorite Hudson Valley vegan dish.
02: long call on the east deck
- Sarah the Vegan spends the night.
03: maybe it really just needed new rotors
- For the first time ever, I install new rotors on a car.
04: at least as shy as I am
- First day at a trans-Hudson software firm.
05: a burger in Red Hook
- After work, I join Gretchen for the last Farm Festival falafel of the year.
06: not enough curry
- Also, becoming obsessed with Theranos while listening to a podcast at work.
07: technolocheese control
- How I came to eat a slice of non-vegan pizza.
08: ant tragedies
- You can't process old wood without giving ants a terrible day.
09: the end of mosquito season
- A cool grey day in early September is ideal for splitting wood.
10: when we were patient for information
- Nobody has time to read documentation for answers anymore. Here's why.
11: beards are appearing on television personalities
- It's probably an effect of the tastes of the large Millennial demographic.
12: too much weird too fast
- Getting used to the very normal people in my workplace.
13: voting for the Dutch sheriff
- Getting used to the very normal people in my workplace.
14: a whole other shell
- What should one do when one's boss isn't giving you enough work?
15: environmentalist argument for hacking your oxygen sensor
- It's better than buying a new catalytic converter for an old car.
16: a new form of Trump-related offshoring
- If you've been able to work from New York and are a foreigner, perhaps now you work in Toronto.
17: pine cone erosion control
- An actual practical use for pinecones outside fire starting and owl head crafts.
18: perhaps these aren't really my people
- Overhearing things that make me miss my last workplace, insane though it was.
19: a sine wave in console window
- Some light dabbling in C#.
20: just in time knowledge
- A pragmatic approach to dealing with technical requirement overload.
21: bad omen on the way to work
- I hit a squirrel and the battery light comes on in my Subaru, but still my day doesn't end up being terrible.
22: not quite the right alternator
- Still, I almost grind it enough to make it work.
23: slimy and covered with mushrooms
- Processing a long-neglected pile of rough firewood.
24: resistant to search engine indexing
- The difficulty of Googling for help with a syntax designed by Microsoft.
25: to warn future developers
- One line of code is the fix, but it needed some lines of comment as well.
26: guarding the front door
- Neville's most unwelcomed behavior is triggered by a delivery from Chewy.com.
27: Christine Blasey Ford
- History in the making as Ford serenely lays out her case and Kavanaugh transparently evades.
28: mile 155
- My oxygen sensor hack works great until the cable gets caught in the damn axle!
29: for want of a level and a chisel
- There will always be tools you'll forget. Also: purple pie!
30: oxygen sensor hell
- Failing at fixing my car as I listen to people fail at managing their finances.