Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   videos of how much worse life can be
Wednesday, August 31 2022
Despite a recreational dose of pseudoephedrine, I had a tough afternoon of debugging and configuration as I tried to make it so a three separate databases, a backend API, and a frontend could all run as a software stack on my work-issued laptop (which is now over four years old). I'd orginally wanted to host the databases on a separate machine, but I couldn't get that to work, and the documentation of Entity Framework connection strings is impossible to make sense of. What is "Code First"? Where are the .msl, .ssdl, and .csdl files? With these Microsoft technologies, every time you turn over a stone, a riot of creepy crawlies come rushing out. Somehow it all works and there are people who understand it, but I don't know if I ever will. Luckily, my pattern of only understanding just enough to address the issue at hand generally serves me well even amid a deluge of difficult-to-Google terms and concepts.
By the end of the workday, I just wanted to go out in the woods. So I took a five gallon bucket with me and went down the Stick Trail to the Chamomile and then began looking for small triangular stones to further augment a second "triangle kit" I'd be taking the to the cabin this weekend. I quickly became sidetracked as I added yet another "cairn buttress" to the north side of my glorious bluestone wall. But then I went down to the Chamomile some distance below where the Stick Trail crosses it and started collecting stone triangles as I walked up the ravine. As I was doing this, I listened to a YouTube video on my headphones of a senior developer at Amazon as he described the things he looks for when he hires other developers. This guy had a number of such videos, and they all provide a good bit more detail than one usually gets from software developers telling people how to go about getting software developer jobs. A good chunk of what I find entertaining on YouTube is material that reminds me how lucky I am, whether it be that I'm fully employed (and not humiliating myself looking for a job), that I'm not being busted for trying to meet a minor at her parents' house for sex, that I'm not found in possession of 50 pounds of crystal methamphetamine, or that I'm not involved in a serious car accident after a high-speed chase down an Arkansas interstate.
While I'm on the subject of senior developers, I should mention that I'm one of the few software developers at my company with "senior" in his title. This is evidently because my title at my old Red Hook based company was "senior developer" (as was, I think, almost every other developer) and when I was moved to another company in the corporate archipelago, my title was preserved so as not to be a demotion. But on the workchart it makes me seem like I am disproportionately more experienced, which I know not to be the case (though I probably have a broader, if not deeper, set of experiences than most of my colleagues).
When Gretchen returned from work tonight, she made some sort of Indo-Chinese-style dish involving rice noodles, tomatoes, peanut sauce, green beans, and probably kale. All day I'd been eating leftover noodles from yesterday and wasn't particularly hungry.

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