Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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Like my brownhouse:
   Stranger Things and vomiting
Wednesday, November 1 2017 [REDACTED]
Normally I can spend some time near the end of my workday in the bathtub, staying connected to colleagues on my Windows phone in case they need me. The plan tonight was to relax in the tub while researching the PDF format to see how to force Adobe Acrobat to save component strings in plaintext. But I wasn't in the bath long before I had to perform an emergency chore in the Google Suite administrative interface. That wasn't something I could do on my Windows phone. [REDACTED]

Tonight as we watched the fifth episode of the first season of Stranger Things, Gretchen had to periodically pause the show so she could go to the bathroom and throw up. She'd had some broccoli, an empanada, salad, and some canned cherries for dinner, and none of those should've caused any sort of food poisoning, although the cherries had been in the refrigerator for awhile. Perhaps the problem was the sudden onset of menopause due to the recent hysterectomy (though nausea and vomiting aren't usually associated with menopause). In any case, the vomiting kept happening well into the night. Since there was no longer any food in Gretchen's stomach, the wretching became violent and horrible, and Gretchen was making noises one normally only hears in horror movies.
Adding to the misery, for some reason Neville peed on my side of the bed at a some point today (probably after getting home with Gretchen from their shift at the bookstore in Woodstock), and in between bouts of vomitting, Gretchen helped me strip the bed and put on new sheets. (I also had to rinse out a foam rubber pad the lies between us and the mattress.) Neville hadn't peed on the bed in months, and it's hard to say why he did so tonight. There had been a little drizzle in the evening, but it wasn't at a level that would've kept him from pissing outside. You'd think the critters would be considerate when one of us is clearly ill, but it doesn't work that way. One of the last things I remember happening tonight was Celeste and Charles having a brief cat fight, and they'd been getting along just fine for weeks.

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