Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   the brain has trouble completely switching context
Sunday, November 19 2017
Neville didn't go on the morning walk today, and was apparently in such bad shape that he never even got out of bed. Gretchen headed off to her shift at the Woodstock bookstore without him.
At some point I got around to unloading the seven 12 foot two by eights from the Subaru's roof rack. Then I disassembled part of that rack so I could hopefully staighten out the aluminum cross-member that had been warped by the weight of that lumber. Happily, I was able to straighten it out just by spanning it between two blocks of wood, warp-up, standing on it, and giving a few bounces with my 178 pound humanity. After re-installing it on the car, I cut a little 2.875 inch block of two by four and stuffed it into the space between the cross-member and the Subaru's roof, hopefully preventing future warping when carrying heavy lumber loads up there.
This afternoon I ran out of Red Rose black tea, which was something of an crisis, since I've grown reliant on that tea as an oral fixation if nothing else. So I loaded up the dogs and drove out to the Hurley Ridge Hannaford to buy three 100-count boxes of that, along with other staples such as bacon-flavored tempeh, bloody mary mix, and mushrooms. I also got a tray of vegan California rolls.
On the inevitable drive to the Tibetan Center thrift store (where I would find nothing I wanted), I stopped at the Zena Road Stewart's to get a big cup of their cold brew coffee, which I'm only remembering to get now that the summer is definitively behind us. I've been watching so much Chris Hansen predator content on Youtube that I found myself seeing everyone in the Hannaford, Stewarts, and Tibetan Center thrift store as either a predator or a decoy. I suppose it's not surprising that the brain has trouble completely switching context as eyes dart from window to window or even from computer to reality.
Concerned that Neville might have a long-procrastinated poop to deal with, I stopped briefly at the West Hurley Park to let him and Ramona run around. But I didn't go into the woods, because I've seen evidence of hunters back there and they weren't wearing their hunting season collars.

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