Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   a bit much for the roof rack
Sunday, November 12 2017
Roy Moore is the Christianist reactionary who had been the favorite to win the Senate seat abandoned by Jeff Sessions after he failed upward to become Attorney General. Now, though, there is an ongoing firestorm about Roy Moore's fondness for nearly preteen girls, and it's possible it will derail his candidacy in even a state as backwater as Alabama (which actually sounds like an Arabic word, ever notice that?). This has me re-watching some of the classic episodes of To Catch a Predator on YouTube. I'm not proud of watching what I've called "reputational snuff films," but even in its tiresome repetitiveness, it's compelling television. I made quick work on a tiny (2.5 X 3.5 inch) landscape painting as I watched, thereby buying myself permission to drink alcohol on this chilly Sunday.

Gretchen had had to leave for work before being able to walk the dogs this morning, so it had fallen to me to do it. This meant she couldn't take Neville with her. But that was no problem; we had a fossil-fuel-intensive backup plan. A little after 2:00pm, showed up at the Golden Notebook with Neville, who seemed to be happy to be beginning his shift there. But he wasn't as happy as Gretchen was about it.
On the drive out to 9W, I stopped again at the Tibetan Center, where I'd found nothing to buy only yesterday. Today I did much better, picking up two different air filters, an outdoor electrical box outlet cover, a ceramic ceiling lamp socket with pullstring, and a high-end battery-powered programmable-timer water valve. This all came to a little less than $10, which is a lot for that place.
At Lowes I was able to find the 12 foot two by eights I needed, so along with some nine inch half-inch-wide carriage bolts and 3.5 inch half-inch-wide lag bolts, I got seven of those long boards. Treated lumber is often wet and heavy when you buy it, so perhaps I shouldn't've loaded all seven on the Subaru's roof rack. I made it home okay, though not without warping the front aluminum cross-member into a bow bending all the way down to the roof itself. Those things evidently do have a limit (especially when they're the cheap ones on eBay).

After she got out of work, Gretchen called me from the road to ask me to make dinner. So I quickly whipped up my new favorite self-cooked meal: bowtie pasta with chili. This batch contained a lot of mushrooms and, for the first time ever in one of my chilis, a white bean (mixed in with black beans and big red kidney beans).

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