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   reading low-wattage commentary
Friday, July 23 2004
The "news" that burbles to the top of continues to be an interesting mix of real news, opinion, and occasional satire. My chances of reading low-wattage commentary, right wing or otherwise, is highest when I'm surfing its links. Here's an example, "Entertainers: Shut Up and Sing" from A commentator who probably voted for Reagan twice and would have voted for Arnold Schwarzenegger is claiming that stage performers should keep their politics out of their performances, as if there was some sort of absurd constitutional amendment mandating the separation of entertainment and opinion. I don't know why, but articles like this often provoke me to register on a site's forum and leave a post. In this case, my response was as follows:

Actually, here's a counter-example of when an entertainer SHOULD express her opinion.

I thought Britney Spears was inspiring for her faith in George W. Bush in the scene where she demonstrated unwavering support for our President in Fahrenheit 9/11. One must never question a President, especially one who is manifestly of God. People who stand around and ask questions about things are like scientists who believe in testing hypotheses instead of just accepting things in the Bible. Just accepting things in the Bible and JUST BELIEVING George W. Bush are the new, proven ways. It is a return to a manifestly correct mindset that has been absent from Western Culture since the 1300s.


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