PVC covers the insulated hoses connecting the new collector in serial with the old.
The red Honda Civic in the background is up on blocks while I replace its rotten exhaust system.

The vacuum tubes of the new Solmaxx collector.

Seen with the trunks of White Pines in the background to the east.

The new collector viewed from the laboratory deck, from the north and below.

Looking downward toward the east.

Looking down towards the east deck from above the solar deck.

The east deck, me, and the southern part of the house.

The solar deck viewed from the east deck. The new collector is lower and in front. It doesn't block the sunlight for the old panel behind and above it.

That reads "Peak Oil Solar" in fake Greek on the back of my original homemade solar panel.

Pea plants on the east deck. There have been no peas whatsoever.

Gretchen in the teevee room. Nice copper swing lamp, huh?