Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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Like my brownhouse:
   Diane the Kitten
Thursday, May 3 2018 [REDACTED]
Early this afternoon, Gretchen returned from the Saugerties animal shelter with a tiny little black kitten. We'd decided to name her Diane, in honor of Janet, whose tragic loss in early March is still a bit raw. Janet's name in the shelter had been Diane and I'm not really clear why, if Diane had been such a great name, we hadn't kept it then. Perhaps it was just that Gretchen had really been excited by the prospect of having a kitten named Janet.
As always, we first isolated Diane in the upstairs bathroom. She was nervous at first, being particularly frightened of all her little cat toys. But it wasn't long before she'd settled in. We even introduced her to some of her new siblings, particularly Clarence, Charles, and Ramona. Ramona is great with little kittens, but her enormous size set Diane aback. Her response was to fluff up, arch her back, growl, and hiss. Later she became bolder, standing her ground and refusing to let Ramona walk past. It was as if she'd read Going to Prison for Dummies and had taken to heart the lesson about making a big show of standing up to the biggest, scariest prisoner in the yard on the very first day.

Diane the Kitten today.

This evening in the remote workplace, we had our second video happy hour of the week (which I began with my Gchat showing a microscope's eye view of an old 8748 microcontroller's silicon chip as seen through the little glass window used to clear its program via ultraviolet light), and it was just as fun and well-attended as last night's. At some point I reminded Allison that I'd shipped her a pair of #dealwithit glasses to her new place and surely they must've arrived by now. At that point she realized she hadn't ever checked her new mailbox, and so off she went. She returned and simulated the goofy slow-motion animation of them dropping from above onto her face, and much laughter was had in the Gchat. By then I was broadcasting live from the upstairs bathroom, where I was hanging out with Diane the Kitten, who soon took a massive shit and completely stunk up the joint.

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