Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   lost in a familiar ShopRite
Saturday, May 19 2018
I woke up early this morning to the sound of rain, something I hadn't expected. I'd left my Hitachi impact driver out on the exposed decking of the new screened-in porch last night, so I brought it in and dried it off as best I could. I then put it on top of the woodstove and started a fire from the trash paper already inside it. Later, during Saturday morning coffee, it was cold enough in the house for me to run a proper fire in the woodstove using actual wood. By then my impact driver was pretty well dry. That thing is nearly indestructible; I've had a Subaru fall off a jack onto it and it survived that too.
Gretchen doesn't usually work at the bookstore on Saturdays, but today she did, filling in for someone else. Meanwhile, I took the dogs with me on the kind of errands that I like to run. First I went out to the Tibetan Center thrift store, where I refrained from buying a set of Google Cardboard glasses (used for turning any smartphone into a VR video display). At the other end of my travels, I bought four more sixteen foot two by eights for use as rafters at Home Depot and then went to the next door ShopRite to get a few more things. But that store had been completely remodeled since I'd last been in there, with a big fancy-looking deli section in the north end and a reshuffling of the bathrooms and refrigerated sections. Perhaps the goal of what must've been a multi-million-dollar renovation was to court a higher-end demographic of shopper. But if that was the idea, so far it doesn't appear to be working; that place is as white trash as ever. I never managed to find where the refrigerated health food items were (that's where I usually find the bacon-flavored tempeh that forms such a large part of my diet), though I did find the refrigerated pickles and the gluten-free pasta (one brand of which Gretchen likes, so I bought some). I also bought a can of no-name mixed nuts, a mistake I've made before. They claimed to be salted, but they were as bland as drywall. Ramona tried to bum them off me on the drive home, and eventually I gave her a single Brazil nut. But even she was disappointed.
Owing to the rain, I couldn't do much work on the screened-in-porch. And it was hard to muster the initiative to do anything else either. So I eventually took a nap, which lasted several hours (a bit longer than such things usually go). Meanwhile, Gretchen put in an unusal Saturday shift at the bookstore and didn't return home until late.

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